Mr Canada Elite Trainer

Mr Canada Elite Trainer
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hidetada Yamagishi and Jerome Fergusson at Golds Venice

It was a good week for training for Hide everything is coming together . His offseason training is really progressing and adding extra muscle everyday. I have been working on bringing up his back and chest .
His legs have bounced back since running into some injuries during the past season. 
Hide squatted 405 lbs free weight for 15 reps deep, his legs off course are his strong point .

During our workout we ran into Jerome Fergusson who just recently turn an IFBB pro and is currently preparing for the Flex show near the end of february 2011.

Here are some recent pic's.

Eric Di Lauro
Gaspari Nutrition PlasmaJet Capsules, 160-Count Box

Gaspari Nutrition - Super Pump 250 Orange, 1.76 lb powder