Mr Canada Elite Trainer

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Friday, December 10, 2010

NPC Excalibur Champions 2010 Train at Golds Gym Venice

By Eric DiLauro
John Blatz 2nd Place in the Heavyweight Division

It was another great weekend December 5th when I walked into Golds Gym Venice the day after NPC Excalibur Championships. This young 22 year old John Blatz from Florida was doing a photo-shoot with Bill Comstock Photographer for Flex Magazine . Bill introduced  me to him and I was able to give him some training tips on legs. He was very happy to meet me considering Jay Cutler is his favorite bodybuilder and loves Jay's videos on youtube. John has a great future in bodybuilding with added years of training under his belt we will definitely see him again. He competed in the Heavyweight category  and came in a strong 2nd place . Now he has qualified for the Nationals and plans on competing .

You can see more of John at
Good Luck John!!!

John Blatz

More to come stay tuned for the overall Winner !!!
Eric DiLauro
Team Cutler